Secondary Preservice Agenda

Big Picture Activities
Resource Packet
- Agriculture…Where Does it Fit?
- Global Food System Maps
- U.S. Federal Lands Map
- Utah Federal Lands Map
- Utah Agriculture Activity Map
- HungerMap Live
- Food and Farm Facts
- Teacher Resource Center
Geography & World Civilizations
- If the World Were a Village
- Earth City
- Earth as an Apple
- Understanding Old and New World Foods
- Guns, Germs, and Steel
- Time Magazine: Hungry Planet
- Food Timeline
- Loco for Cocoa
- AP Human Geography Lessons
- Geography and Agriculture Slide Deck
- Food, Land, and People (FLP) and Civilizations Slide Deck
U.S. History
- Growing Today for Tomorrow
- Growing a Nation (U.S. History Lessons)
- Growing a Nation: The Story of American Agriculture (interactive timeline)
- From Boom to Dust
- Federal Lands: Ranching and Recreating on Common Grounds
Utah History
- Utah-specific Lessons and Resources
- Changes and Challenges (Utah History Lessons)
- Changes and Challenges Interactive Timeline
- At Home on the Range
- Google Earth on the Range
- Wool Spinning Activity
Wrap Up
The outline above includes links to activities conducted at most secondary pre-service presentations. Please note that not all activities may have been conducted during your presentation.