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Utah Agriculture in the Classroom

Harvest of the Season

What is Harvest of the Season?

Harvest of the Season is a fun farm to fork promotional program. Educational resources are provided for classrooms, gardens and kitchens that showcase seasonal Utah-grown foods.

Why should you participate in Harvest of the Season?

Harvest of the Season increases children's exposure to and consumption of seasonal Utah-grown goods, along with their knowledge of Utah agriculture. Harvest of the Season also helps support small, local farms by increasing their institutional customer base. With Harvest of the Season, children, farmers, and communities all benefit!

Who can participate in Harvest of the Season?

Anyone who wants to celebrate Utah food is encouraged to participate! Most materials are geared toward schools and childcare centers, but grocery stores, farms, health clinics, workplaces, or community groups are welcome to join. If you're not a school or childcare center and want more details about how to participate, email, and we'll gladly assist you.

How and Why Should I join Harvest of the Season?

Registering as a participant helps us assist you by assuring we have the right resources for you.

Crop Calendar and Cafeteria Signs