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Suggested Stations, Commodity Contacts, and Presenter Resources

In the table below you will find a list of suggested stations, commodity contacts, and some suggested presenter resources. Additionally you can check our:

Commodity Contact
Presenter Resources
Call Kevin Cook with the Utah Beekeepers Association. 801-623-0230.
The Wool Growers have a traveling trailer that is available for this if you book them early! Contact Tonia.
Wool Spinning KitWool Refill KitSheep Card Students will enjoy wool spinning and watch someone shear a sheep or have the sheep dogs work.
The beef council sends a representative to give out pencils and talk about ZIP (zinc, iron, protein) at their station. Contact Brent Tanner, 801-355-5748.
Usually the Dairy Ambassadors are available. Contact Mark Gibbons with the Utah Diary Farmers Association,  435-258-2854. 
Dairy Cattle Card At the Sevier County FFD they actually have a fake cow to milk and they let a couple kids milk a real cow.
Contact the Farm Bureau's Vice President of Farm Safety, A.J. Ferguson, 801-233-3006.
Contact Kristi Spence, the dietitian for the Utah Dairy Council or Jacob Schmidt, the dietitian for the Utah Beef Council. 
The Farm Field Day in Sanpete has a great station on seeds. Contact Cindy Yardley for more information.
The Utah County Farm Field Day does a great chicken station. Contact Belva Parr (the Farm Bureau State Women's Chair) for more info.
Living Necklace
Students love making and growing seed necklaces and we can send you supplies.
Corn CardLiving Necklace Kit You can plant almost any seed in the necklace. We usually do two types of corn or wheat and soybean
There is a pork trailer that travels around. Contact Allison Fiscus.