Course Topics
Agricultural Biology
The resources on this page are organized by strands for Utah’s Agricultural Biology course.

Strand BIO.1: Interactions with Organisms and the Environment
- Photoperiod Phenomena (BIO.1.1)
- Earth's Land and Soil Resources (BIO.1.2)
- Kiss the Ground (BIO.1.2, 1.3, 1.5)
- Where Does it Grow? The Science of Climate and Food (BIO.1.3)
- Pig Power: Creating Biogas and Renewable Energy (BIO.1.2, 1.3,1.5)
- Carbon Hoofprints: Cows and Climate Change (BIO.1.3, 1.4)
- The Carbon Cycle and Climate Smart Agriculture (BIO.1.3)
- A Tale of Two Burgers: Beef and Plant-based Protein (BIO.1.5)
Strand BIO.2: Structure and Function of Life
- Enzymes and Bacteria are Whey Cool! (BIO.2.1)
- Fermentation of Honey (BIO.2.1)
- Honey as a Biomolecule (BIO.2.1)
- Melons, Mitosis, and Meiosis (BIO.2.5)
Strand BIO.3: Genetic Patterns
- From Technique to Traits (BIO.3.1)
- Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and Organic Foods (BIO.3.1)
- Strawberry Breeding and Genetics (BIO.3.1)
- Apples and the Science of Genetic Selection (BIO.3.2)
- Double the Muscle: Probabilities and Pedigrees (BIO.3.2, 3.3, 3.4)
- Melons, Mitosis, and Meiosis (BIO.3.3)
- Design Y'er genes (BIO.3.4)
- Evaluating Perspectives about GMOs (BIO.3.5)
- Food Evolution (BIO.3.5)
- From Techniques to Traits (BIO.3.5)
- Methods of Crop Modification (BIO.3.5)
- Plasmid Problem Solving (BIO.3.5)
- Silky Genes (BIO.3.5)
- The Science of GMOs (BIO.3.5)
- A Recipe for Genetics: Selective Breeding and Biotechnology (BIO.3.5)
Strand BIO.4: Evolutionary Change
- Apples and the Science of Genetic Selection (BIO.4.2, 4.3)
- Food Evolution (BIO.4.3, 4.5)