Workshop Highlights
The Geography of Agriculture: Food, Land & People
Resource Packet
- Teacher Resource Center
- Agriculture…Where Does it Fit?
- Global Food System Maps
- United States Map (
- Utah Map (
- Utah Agriculture Activity Map
- World Hunger Map
- Farm Facts
- Sphere of Influence
Geography & World Civilizations
- If the World Were a Village
- The Apple as the Earth Animation
- Understanding:
- World Civilization (PowerPoint)
- Guns, Germs, and Steel
- Geography and Agriculture: Feeding the World (PowerPoint)
- Grains and Legumes of the World
- Loco for Cocoa
U.S. History
- Growing Today for Tomorrow
- Farming It's a Fact (PowerPoint)
- Growing a Nation: The Story of American Agriculture
- Growing a Nation (1600-1929): Seeds of Change
- If the U.S. Were a Village
- From Boom to Dust