Elementary Preservice Workshops

How do you know what to teach? Core curriculum standards? National Standards? Textbooks? How do you know what is important to teach? Who says? What is an essential question or and enduring understanding? What does it mean to contextualize your instruction?
Big Picture Activities
Resource Packet
- Agriculture…Where Does it Fit?
- Utah Agriculture Activity Map
- US Federal Lands Map
- Utah Federal Lands Map
- Teacher Resource Center
- Student-centered Tools for Teaching and Learning
Themes for Learning
- Honeybees: Pollination Simulation
- Cheesemaking
- Milk, Sugar, Science: Engineering Ice Cream
- Get Popping!
- Desktop Greenhouses
- Vermicomposting
- Hatching Science
- School Gardens
World Geography
- Hungry Planet: What the World Eats
- World Population History Map
- Cultures, Food, and Communities Around the World
- Columbian Exchange of Old and New World Foods
Growing a Nation: U.S. History
- Abraham Lincoln Clears a Path: His Agricultural Legacy
- Full of Beans: Henry Ford Grows a Car
- U.S. History Interactive Timeline: Growing a Nation
- Cotton's American Journey
- Spinning Wool
Utah Studies