Workshop Highlights
Diversity in Education (Weber State University - Elementary)

The Big Picture
Resource Packet
- Agriculture...Where Does It Fit?
- Teacher Resource Center & Online Course
- USA Federal Lands Map
- Utah Federal Lands Map
- Utah Agriculture Activity Map
- Bee Line Newsletter
- InterAgtion
- MyPlate Tear Pad
- "Like" us on Facebook
- "Follow" us on Twitter
- "Follow" and "Save" us on Pinterest
The Global Diversity of Agriculture
- If the World Were a Village
- Earth City
- An Apple as the Earth Animation
- The Columbian Exchange of Old and New World Foods (Grade 5)
- Who Grew My Soup? (Lesson for K-2 & 3-5)
- Geography and Agriculture: Feeding the World (PowerPoint)
- Time Photos: Hungry Planet
- Grains and Legumes of the World
- Loco for Cocoa
- King Cotton (Grades 3-5)
- Wool Spinning Resources