Workshop Highlights
Salt Lake City School District Professional Development Conference 2014 - Secondary
September 25, 2014
Social Studies: Contextualizing Curriculum at the Secondary Level with Food, Land & People
- Teacher Resource Center
- InterAgtion Bookmarks
- Food, Land & People Online Course
- Essential Nines
- Teaching and Learning Strategies
- Assessment Techniques
- United States Map: Federal Land
- Utah Map: Federal Land
- Utah Agriculture Activity Map
- Farm Facts
- National Agriculture in the Classroom
- "Follow" us on
- If the World Were a Village
Group Activities
- Source Search
- A World without Farmers—One Hungry Planet
- Gin cotton (social studies)
- Spin wool (social studies)
- Sphere of Influence
Utah History
U.S. History & Government
- King Cotton
- Growing a Nation: Seeds of Change (Multimedia Presentation)
Geography & World Civilizations
- Understanding:
- World Civilization (PowerPoint)
- Guns, Germs, and Steel
- Geography and Agriculture: Feeding the World (PowerPoint)
- Grains and Legumes of the World
- Ancient Foods (Video/DVD)