Contact Us

Phone: 435.797.1833
Mailing Address
Utah State University
2315 Old Main Hill
Logan, UT 84322-2315
2315 Old Main Hill
Logan, UT 84322-2315
Online Orders
If you need help or have questions about your online order or resources, please contact the Ag Classroom Store.
Phone: 435-797-0765
Campus Address
Utah State University
ASTE Building
1498 N. 800 E.
Logan, UT 84322-2315
ASTE Building
1498 N. 800 E.
Logan, UT 84322-2315
Fax: 435.797.4002
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Classroom materials (PDF, PowerPoint files, etc.) and resource information from this website may be reproduced for educational not-for-profit purposes without the written consent of Utah Agriculture in the Classroom provided that the user use the following credit line, "Reproduced with the permission of Utah Agriculture in the Classroom, Utah State University, [online]"