Dirt: Secrets in the Soil (DVD)
This 60-minute DVD contains a six-segment program that brings fundamental lessons of soil science from the countryside to the classroom in a way that is sure to keep students entertained and motivated. Although designed specifically for Utah fourth-grade students, segments on soil texturing, soil layers, and composting are valuable resources for teachers in any state. This video is available on DVD or YouTube. Order this DVD online from agclassroomstore.com.
Utah Agriculture in the Classroom
Lessons Associated with this Resource
- Soil Texture and Water Percolation
- Types by Texture
- The Rotten Truth
- The Soil Chain
- What Makes Up Your Profile?
- What's in Soil?
- Soil Formation & Edible Horizons
- Working Worms
- Secrets to Healthy Soils
- Caring for the Land
- Dark Days
- Keeping Soil in Its Place
- What's Our Soil Worth?
- Color in the Garden