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Ag & Food Careers
This website, put together by a partnership of agricultural organizations in Pennsylvania, has agricultural career resources that are applicable to all states. See over 50 careers in agriculture through videos, and infographics on the Ag & Food Careers List. Additionally, there is an Educator Resource section that includes 4 web scavenger hunts to guide students through the videos.
PA Friends of Agriculture Foundation
The web scavenger hunts are original works. Statistical data was collected from ONet and other sources credited on the website.
Lessons Associated with this Resource
- AgVenture: Sourcing Ag Careers
- Career Trek
- Charting Agricultural Careers
- Find Your Future Career (Grades 6-8)
- Find Your Future Career (Grades 9-12)
- Career Gaming
- Journey 2050 Lesson 6: Careers (Grades 6-8)
- Journey 2050 Lesson 6: Careers (Grades 9-12)
- Find Your Future Career (Grades 3-5)